Friday, January 29, 2010


Well. Today I started school and it was SO FUN. The teacher was super nice, in that awesome grammar school way where you aren't wrong and trying is always encouraged. The other students are nice and are from Finland, South Korea, Iraq, and France.... all super nice peoples. The school itself is pretty big and so far I am learning pretty well.

After that we went to the Vaci Utca (big huge long pedestrian street full of H&M, Mango, Zara, Promod and other amazingness) to pick up some books and grab some coffee.

Today I learned that to pay for certain things i.e. utilities or other things, you have to do that at the post office. It was completely strange. I'm sure if I went to a post office to pay my Xcell bill they would be zero sorts of helpful.

Hungarians LOVE Kansas. KANSAS. Nothing against Kansas it's just strange to see someone's eyes light up when they talk about it. My mother made sense of it and said it's probably from watching Westerns, which is also probably why when I say i'm from Denver they draw a blank until I talk about the mountains and the wilderness.

I also learned today that "fene" which is a word used in many curse words (think damn, or damnit) means anthrax. All these years my mother, grandmother, great-grandmother even have been cursing with anthrax. To me, this is completely hysterical and rather strange.

The kids here are precious. I find that when a child throws a hissy fit and whines in another language, I love it. It's cute. I also like the strollers they have here. Everytime I see one of these super Euro strollers in which the child is standing, strapped in the middle and carted around, I laugh. Sometimes I laugh real hard because it reminds me of a little baby hannibal lector.

This, translated, means pig cheese. There is only pig and no actual cheese in here:

Saw this. Hope it's the artists girlfriend cause that would be kick ass and pretty sweet:

THIS IS THE BEST CAR IN THE UNIVERSE. EVER. It's called a Trabant and I fully FULLY intend on owning one someday. Super cute and way classic. Forever I will love these cars.

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