Saturday, January 30, 2010

More Birthday!

So today we ventured down to my mother's hometown of Tatabayna to celebrate my Grandfather's birthday again with my aunt's family. Since it snowed a lot (which by Colorado standards isn't really that much..... but it's cute to see them fuss about it) we took the train. And by train I mean two separate light rails and THEN the train lol

Riding the train was rad and the dude, at the station, playing the theme to The Godfather on what sounded like a recorder was equally as amazing.

We surprised Poppa (grandpa) by taking him to dinner at a place where I have been many times before with my parents. It's a neighborhood bar of sorts. I ordered my father's favorite meal and had a LOT to drink.

I realized over the course of the night how much like my mother and her sister I am. We're forgetful, we ask questions that don't necessarily need to be asked and we're fun-loving, jovial if you will.

The dinner went well and afterwards there was a band (a man and a keyboard but according to the paper that means band) who played a few hits. He was nice and played a birthday song for Poppa. Then afterwards, Poppa got up and sang a song, which was quite possibly the best thing i've ever seen. Such a good man. He then proceeded to dance around with Mama (grandma) and it was so touching.

It was also a wake up call when my cousin asked me what I was waiting for to get married, I am going to be 24 after all. LoL. They are still pretty old school around here.

It's good to see them all, I'm quite possibly becoming the best version of myself because of them.

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