Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thank you, Frankfurt Airport

The Frankfurt Airport. Huh.

IT'S HOT AS BALLS. This is for real.

If you are anything short of an olympic athlete and you learn that you depart from any "A" gate you should just throw in the towel.

Essentially, you've just been told that although you are on Colfax and Lincoln, your plane will be departing from Broadway and I-25, and you better hurry because you're WALKING.

and if you're not from Denver just know that what is described above is something no one I know has done unless on a controlled substance or in need of a controlled substance.

Anyways, not only do we have to trek all the way to the A gates, A 38 to be exact, but once we get to the 38th, yes almost 40th gate we are told that we are now supposed to be at the 15th. I was pretty jovial, almost laughing, it was still comical. Until we got to the 15th gate and they told us what we REALLY wanted was the 11th. I needed a beer.

Long story short I drank a beer, boarded a plane, sat on the tarmac not moving for about two hours until we finally started on our way to Budapest.

If I had it to do over again, I still would, I just would have had another beer first.

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