Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stronger Than All

Paintings from my school building:

So I guess you could say i've had a really, really shitty day. Like the kind of day that you feel like you've been shit upon by whatever higher power it is that governs the amount of crap that you deal with on the day to day.

My school, pretty much, is completely backwards. And not like Wayside school funny haha backwards, more like completely stressful and unecessary. I love my class, learning Hungarian is a wonderful experience and my teacher, is SO great. However, the administration is rude, unorganized and somewhat dumb.

long story short, I might be cutting my trip short 5 months and coming back in the end of July or August. The second semester which deals with the history, culture and literature might just be out of the question. I don't want to go into here but suffice it to say, i'd drown, and they know it.

Now after I came home and felt like the biggest failure, my grandfather poured me a beer and I sat down to lunch and calmed down.

My mother and I decided to go out on the town to help take my mind off stuff and help me explore the transit system.

We ended up at a bar called the Negro bar. Now my father has been to this bar, loved it and so do I. I could not get enough of the Negro bar. It's super SUPER nice inside and it makes me crack up inside. They have a drink called "Mulata" AND personal sinks in the bathroom. Basically, I want to live there.

At the Negro bar, drinkin' cosmos with mom.

Oh and I had to not laugh when the bartender, a very nice Hungarian man, would come over because underneath is Absolut emblem, it read Negro. GENUIS.

In the coming months, when I get enough courage, i'll take a picture of him.

I guess after being enraged all day, there are always things to look forward to. Funny things.

Beautiful basilica, around the corner. I'll take a better picture in the daytime.


  1. You're not a failure. You're you...anything you do there is something to be hugely proud of and don't you forget it. As for key cards... Colorado seems to be the only place where they actually want people to come into the school...good or bad, I miss it. I am so glad that you have your family with you and that they are supporting you as you figure out the ways of the world...tough shit, I know, but think about how much stronger you'll be, you are and how one year, five years, ten years down the road, the fabulous stories you'll have and the outlook on life you'll possess...let that keep you going. Don't get down, get up. Everyday I face something that makes me feel like I should get right back on a flight to Denver so I can be home in time for a huge from my mom...but we do this, we keep going because of the way we grew up...we were taught not to give up at the first signs of resistance. It doesn't mean that tears and some choice expletives aren't completely necessary...but smile and find the good in all of it, however you can. I believe in you!! Cheesy, but true.

  2. Of course as I'm trying to write my uplifting message for the day, I go and misspell hug. jeez. Make time every day for a big, fat HUG from whoever will give it to you...hugs are the very best confidence boost I know of!
