Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hell to the Yes

Yesterday, on my way to school, my bus stopped and turned around about 6 to 7 stops before mine so I walked the rest of the way in the snow. AWESOME. I guess this was just one of life's little tests.

After I got home, my new Hungarian friend Mate (Ma-tay) gave me the scoop on a pizza place you can order from and I SO did. It was kinda geeky feeling proud of myself for ordering pizza, mostly because I was SO confused about how to read them my address, but none the less, delicious pizza AND a special Hungarian delicacy were both delivered to me.

Their website:

Today I slept in (finally) and then spent some time watching movies i've rented off of I tunes (which take FOREVER to download and are only available for about 24 hours after you start to watch them... bogus? A little bit). Got to talk to my mom, and I asked her where the Tesco was by our house because I needed a few items.

Now going to the store and buying stuff is not a hard thing to do. Did it everyday in America. BUT I suddenly felt myself being excited for this new adventure. I was about to validate my whole existence here. Find the way there, pick stuff out, pay for it, pack it into the bag I brought (SO weird, I still can't get over this you must buy a bag to take it with you thing) AND enjoy the fruits of my adventure.

I was nervous but OH so excited. I also made a new friend on the Vilamos. He asked me if I wanted to "marry", which immediately after that his friend smacked the back of his head, pulled him close whispered something in his ear. My future fiance turned back toward me, mouth totally agape and said "I NO MEAN MARRY, I THINK DATE? DATE ME? I take back marry. no marry, no marry you..... date" Completely amazing. I politely declined but secretly thanked him for the HILARIOUSNESS that was the great moment between us.

Tesco is an amazing place. I really, really, wish we had them in America. I didn't take photos of it because I decided to not take pictures of things that others find normal such as stores while i'm alone because that sends signals such as "She's not from around here" and I don't need that to send them other signals like "Easy target".

But I do have other photos (yes I know i'm cheesy and lame):

On my way!

An engagement ring. How romantic.

SO STOKED, I did it.

My bounty: Which included a fleece blanket, choco balls cereal (AMAZING), popcorn, a new movie, and soup in a bag. Life rules.


  1. oh my god...i remember the first time i went grocery shopping in london! best feeling ever...except for the fact that london fridges suck and my food would rot within days. i cannot believe you are getting marriage proposals already...i love it! by the way...your apartment is like a freaking castle!! you've done a great job decorating :) anyway, hope things are good and that you are having a swell time. oh and no one will mess with're too fierce looking for anyone to think they could get away with SHIT from you :) new suggestion for you... have you gone to a movie yet? they did things really different when i lived in london so maybe it'll be even crazier in hungary. i just remember that whenever i was feeling bummed, i went to the movies and it reminded me of home. movies are good like that...

  2. oh and you thought no one would post on your blog? are you kidding me? you have a gift for words and i totally feel like i'm right there with you :) while i don't want to classify myself as a stalker...i do love your blog!

  3. Now one thing to consider is that the box reads "Choc Balls". In Hungarian, the word for 'only', as in 'limited to', is 'csak', pronounced similar to 'choc'.
    So, this could be one of those clever Hungarian play on words, maybe an inside joke. Nevertheless, what you got there is only balls, delicious and chocolaty to lift the human spirit, but only balls ma'am.

  4. Erica I love you, and no movies yet, I need to get a little bit better with vocabulary before I go.... or find a movie that they play in English with Hungarian subtitles.....

    Christmas of '08 my mother and I went to see Burn After Reading here. It was magic.
