Friday, February 5, 2010


Well yesterday, after a great day at school (great but super challenging) I went to see my great grandmother and eat some DELICIOUS food. Seriously, best food ever.

The amazing women of my life. My great aunt (far left) the first person to go to college our family. My great grandmother, she was in her early 20s when the Nazi's came to Budapest. She is courageous, loving and she likes the show Friends as much as I do. And my mother, the continent hoping pioneer of the family who will always be a personal hero of mine. She is so brave and just overall amazing.

and finally, pictures of my new house! By the way, my parents went all out, and I cannot believe i'm living here.

This is the living room and a little bit of the dining room, from the kitchen.

Here's the kitchen. My contribution? The two empty Stella bottles.

The master bedroom

The view from the bedroom windows

A close-up of the FML shower, complete with the I don't contain anything shower door

A full shot of the bathroom.

Laundry room and the most complicated washing machine i've ever seen. Each wash cycle? Two hours. TWO WHOLE HOURS.

the spare bedroom

I guess you could say i'm learning pretty quickly. There are however really strange things going on with this language which confuse me to no end. One example is there are prefix and suffix games which rival some calculus equations in it's difficulty.

Speaking of which I have 7 worksheets for homework. Which I am SO stoked about because when compared to the homework I used to have this is a cake walk.

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