Monday, February 1, 2010


I've learned a very important lesson about this country.

You must get on the boat! No one is going to tell you where it is, when it leaves, what color it is or if they mean boat or bus.

This place is crazy, but I love it oh so much.

I've decided that in America we baby ourselves and we also help out strangers. Not so much around here.

Today I kicked ass in class and I actually managed to study and get a little bit ahead. This ego trip was soon deflated after I ran into the key card debacle.

Wherever I chose to go to school, America or any other country there is always going to be a piece of dick "I hate my life" security guard. They are also going to seek me out and exact their revenge.

Unbeknownst to me, they have decided that they must keep out the random strangers from the building (and if anyone is mistaking this building for a place where they need to burglarize, they are SURELY mistaken) and that all students must have a keycard.

I don't get telepathic memos, so I had no idea. I only found out upon entering the building, not being able to move the turnstile (TURNSTILE REALLY?) and then having the security nazi come around from his glass case of misery to rain down a shit storm of Hungarian telling me that I, in fact, needed a key card. (SIDE NOTE: You would think that screaming Hungarian at a school full of international students who are there, TO LEARN THE LANGUAGE would be both ineffective and SUPER annoying.)

Anyways, I was then thrown into a bad mood.

It took a lot of Prince and a few notches of Massive Attack on the ride home to equalize.

And if you don't know what kind of magic Prince can be when you're in a bad mood, you're missing out.

But when I got home my Poppa had cooked a delicious meal and had a shot of whiskey for me :)

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