Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm totally doing it

This is the view from my classroom. We are looking out over Buda.

I'm totally doing it.

Today was wonderful so far! I even went to a bookstore, asked for what I wanted in Hungarian (they didn't have it) but the point is I tried! I can do this! Yesterday my mother left, and I already miss her so, so much. I am alone now, so it's time to put on some big girl pants.

I like what this no car thing is doing for my thighs (I type as I'm eating a Hungarian carmel, cake, pie cookie type deal) Delicious.

Well what's new huh? Sunday night I went to see Henry Rollins perform spoken word on a boat. I've been talking about it non stop since then and be thankful that I'm not in the US because i'd have been smacked by now. He is amazing. And incredibly sexy.

At school i've been meeting some more new students. One guy from Kazakhstan, who actually likes Borat. And it was he, not I, who brought that up because i've learned that most people from there HATE that movie. I met a nice Egyptian guy, who had the best pair of Diesels i've EVER seen. He bought me some coffee in the cafeteria. Very nice guy.

Speaking of fashion there is a GREAT assortment of things going on out here. There is a great deal of western influence. So basically a lot of people look like hipsters, but have actual working class jobs. It's interesting. There is this brand out here called Mayo Chix. They make really cute stuff, I just can't bring myself to wear anything that says "Mayo" because I find mayonnaise completely repugnant and I'd feel strange. It pretty much says condiment wear to me.

Other interesting facts:

1. My teacher does not believe that my grandfather cooks because, men don't cook in this country. Huh.

2. In Hungarian the words are A KAGILLION miles long because they are a complex code of pre fixes and suffixes that make me want to poke my eyes out. Oh and they also put the verb at the end of the sentence. A phenomena that I am completely perplexed by

3. I have no idea how to convert from the metric system, and I don't plan on learning.

Now, as an American ambassador, I feel the need to educate these Europeans on a couple things.

First is the door hand off. You know what this is, it's when a crowd is walking through a doorway and one person extends a hand, supports the door, and looks back long enough to watch the next person extend their hand and take the door's weight from you. NO SUCH THING OUT HERE. I've often found myself looking back, realizing the person behind me has NO INTEREST in the door rapidly approaching their face, only to keep holding the door, facing away from them and thus looking like a dipshit. Not cool, Europe, not cool.

I will make sure that by the time I leave, this is common practice.

Another thing that I find quite strange is the elevator behavior going on around here. In Hungary it is completely customary to wait until you or you and your party board the elevator, push the desired floor button and then immediately push the door close button. Regardless of ANYONE ELSE in the vicinity of the elevator area.

I propose we wait maybe? Be courteous? Especially since all the elevators are the type that go where they are told and do not stop off at any floors before reaching the desired floor. BOGUS.

And lastly, this:

This is a sticker that is on the back of my classroom door. I found it the other day. I think the gist is that penis plus vagina equals baby carriage, which is technically correct. I have no idea why it is here. It's most likely a safe sex, educational type, sticker, but I find it completely hilarious.


  1. AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love this Jess. Seriously. You're a fab story teller. I look forward to hearing more about your rockin European adventure! Just make sure to take more pictures of weird stickers, posters and advertisements. Deal?
